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Integrity is one of Siegfried’s five company values that define how we conduct business. We set the highest standards and are committed to acting ethically, lawfully and responsibly.

Business conduct

As a global pharmaceutical supplier, Siegfried is dedicated to adhering to rigorous legal and ethical standards in all our business relationships. We ensure that our employees, agents and suppliers are informed of relevant legal regulations and act in accordance with the law, ethical standards and with a sense of responsibility while conducting all business activities. Our Code of Business Conduct serves as a guide, highlighting critical legal areas and applicable laws including but not limited to human rights adherence, bribery and corruption, and trade controls and embargoes. In addition, Siegfried has issued a dedicated Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy, which applies to all employees and business partners of Siegfried.

Compliance with legal regulations

The program concerning compliance with legal regulations raises awareness and harmonizes the understanding within Siegfried of lawful conduct in business dealings. The program specifies measures to effectively and efficiently prevent violations of the law and the harmful consequences and penalties for them. The Legal Compliance Office coordinates implementation and communication of the program and aims to continuously improve the program in accordance with current industry standards.

Supply chain responsibility

We hold ourselves to the highest standards when it comes to sustainability and we expect the same commitments to be shared by all parties along our supply chain. Sharing a common understanding of quality, reliability of supply, ethical, social and ecological standards in all production and business processes adds ecological and economic value for our clients while minimizing risk.

Siegfried’s Supplier Integrity Commitment provides our suppliers, contractors, service-providers, agents and distributors a binding code that guides them in supporting our sustainability and integrity efforts in our supply chain.

Our dedicated Supplier Sustainability Risk Assessment Regulation assesses supplier sustainability risk with a focus on human rights, including all relevant issues related to child labor and conflict minerals.

Data privacy and information security

We continuously improve our cybersecurity and data protection to ensure a comprehensive approach to protecting sensitive data and prevent Siegfried from data loss or data abuse.

Internal and external experts constantly work on improving our systems to meet enhanced security standards and guarantee compliance with legal regulations. Information security is managed in an Information Security Management System (ISMS) framework governed by an ISMS board, with cross-functional knowledge from IT, HR, Legal and Finance & Controlling.

External auditors and strategic customers in the pharmaceutical industry periodically review Siegfried and confirm our compliance with best-practice standards in legal and technical aspects. We prioritize awareness training for all employees, with regular training campaigns highlighting the fundamentals of cyber risk and any current threat patterns Siegfried might be exposed to.

Siegfried Integrity Office

The Siegfried Integrity Office is responsible for measures to prevent, detect and enforce our integrity program. The integrity office is committed to creating an environment where employees and business partners can speak up in good faith without fear of retaliation.

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